Our Programmes: Integrated Programme
- Increase members' level of social awareness
- Encourage more active participation from volunteers and members (Learning through participation)
- Refine and continue to establish new brief teaching curriculum in support of individual group lessons
- To reinforce the members' progress monitoring system. To have more precise and regular updates of individual member's issues and learning development
- To encourage good behaviour among members
Plans for 2012/2013
The integration programme is executed at 2 levels - Individual & Group.
At Individual level, lessons are conducted in-groups of 2 to 3. There are total 8 IP groups. With equal members and volunteers in each group, attached volunteers are called to impart the knowledge and skills necessary to improve the members' integration into the society.
Volunteers are required to build rapport with their members, assess their needs and design lessons for them.
Mass classes are conducted regularly to break the monotony of group lessons. Concepts conveyed are deemed the "essentials" for all to know such as safety, moral education, communication, social norms etc.